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Chapter 7
The 4 Beast out of the Sea
Daniel's Lion, Bear, and Leopard
are modern-day countries.
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Imagery is a "Foreview" of the end times fulfilled in 3 "Latter-Day" Superpowers. They rose, then declined in power and the world is still waiting on the fourth, who is yet to come.
Click on the beasts below
1. The Lion with Eagles Wings Daniel 7:4
2. The Bear Devours Much Flesh
Daniel 7:5
3. The Leopard with 4 heads and 2 sets of wings and dominion was given to it.
Daniel 7:6
4. Future Mixed Kingdom of Iron and Clay
10 Horns
10 Kingdoms
Little Horn
Daniel 7:7-8
The Future Kingdom of Iron and Clay
10 toes are symbolic of the future 10 World Kingdoms of the Antichrist
10 World kingdoms, not individual countries
Daniel's Vision was of Four Modern-Day Countries
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The Angel Interprets the Vision
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Continued in the
Book of Revelation
Where the Prophecy is Fulfilled
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